WiFi Finder is a free app that will help you find Wi-Fi hotspots. I’ve tried a few WiFi finders, and this one stands out in both its look and feel, and the sheer amount of data you can access with…
How to add screen security to your Android phone
In this article, we will show you how to add screen security to your Android phone. What’s screen security you might ask? Well, it’s pretty easy to slide your finger across the screen to unlock your phone but it’s not…
The best Android apps
Android, we love you! Yes, we do! In the last half decade, you have filled our lives with fun, we hear more of our friends and we definitely make full use of the big screens we now have! You have…
Why some classes/methods aren’t presented in SDK and DroidDoc…
…but are presented in plain javadoc? As I understand from source the main reason of disappearance is “@hide” tag in javadoc, for example, inner class android.media.MediaRecorder.VideoSource has follow definition in source: /** * Defines the video source. These constants are…
Updated DroidDoc from Android team
If you see new Android 1.1 SDK then you can see a new appearance of reference documentation. At long last the left frame has been added, and you can use the tree navigation or panel navigation there. All other, as…
JavaDoc building process
Couple of worlds about javadoc building process if you suddenly want to make plain javadoc from source. All javadoc stuff is concentrated in the ROOT/build/core/droiddoc.mk. Find javadoc call in it and change options set so that to exclude droiddoc custom…
First try to build javadoc from source
As everybody knows Google has open sourced Android. And here is a result of building javadoc from source. The -package and -use options were used. My comments about specific features will be later.
Some issues
There are some issues in the exposed here javadoc. The one is in the builds m3-rc37a, m5-rc15 and 0.9_beta non public constructors of some classes are public. This is my neglect. The next issues relate to impossibility to easy resolve…
From scratch
This site with Android javadoc is exists about nine months, but only now it takes a distinct form. Couple words about how I make the javadoc – it’s result of matching Google Android documentation and generated code which is an…